You can check in anytime after NOON on your booking date and check-out will be at 11:00 AM on your check-out day.
You can reach Rishikesh by bus, by train or by your vehicle, The campsites at Rishikesh can be reached by driving your vehicle or booking a taxi.
The road is in reasonable driving condition. The route is open to both four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles.
At Rishikesh, couples and women can camp in complete safety. Most of the tourists in Rishikesh are couples. Furthermore, assistance is always available at the campsite where someone is always on duty and Book A Camp is always available for you in any condition.
After booking you will receive a confirmation in your Email. The Confirmation will have all the details such as "Camp Host Number" and "Map Directions" to the Campsite.
Swiss Tents and A/C Cottages in this Campsite have Attached Washroom.
Yes, This campsite has an operational Swimming Pool.
No, but you can contact us and add rafting at the best price.
When you book with Book A Camp, you don’t share tents with strangers, we respect your privacy and promise you that you don't have to share tents with strangers under any circumstances. If you Book Dormitories you have to share your tent with someone else.
Normal Social Media surfing and calling will not be a problem but advanced features like video calling and downloading may be not possible.
No. This price doesn't include transportation charges. Book A Camp can arrange the transportation at an extra cost but you have to request at least 7 days ago.