Want More and Easy Costumers for your Campsite?
List your Campsite with Book A Camp and experience great benefits
- Listing Benefits
- Book A Camp only lists Physically Verified Campsites, Campgrounds, Glamping Sites and Unique Stays.
- Your Campsite will be Listed in its actual name which appears on Google Maps.
- All the details uploaded will be audited and verified by the Book A Camp Listing Team.
- Basic marketing and SEO will be done from our side free of cost.
- Instant booking will be activated from the first day of listing.
- If your Campsite performs better than your competitors you will get featured free of cost.
- Low commission rate so that you can provide more to your costumers.
- Booking amount for every booking to secure your financials.
- Listing Process
- Fill out a Simple registration form provided below.
- Provide suggested itinerary, Meal Menu, Photos, and Activities offered (free or paid), to our representative.
- GST certificate, Pan Card, MSME certificate, Canceled Cheque as per the availability.
- The listing will be done in 15 days after the submision of all the documents and details.
- An audit will be organized for your property before or after the listing as per slot availability.
- Regular update of details and audit will be organized as required.
- Booking Process
- Once the costumer completes the booking of your campsite from us, You will get notified of an availability check.
- After the confirmation of availability we share the confirmation with you and the customer.
- 30% advance will be charged at the time of booking from customers.
- After the deduction of our commission balance amount will be transferred to you within the next 24 hrs.
- If booking is cancelled before 7 days, the full amount will get refunded.
- If the booking is cancelled within 7 days no amount will get refunded but the costumer has an option of rescheduling the booking.
- Children under 6 years old will be free of charge, children between 6 and 11 years old will be charged 50%, and children above 11 years old will be charged 100%.
- Commision & Charges
- Listing is free of cost on Book A Camp.
- Commission per booking will be charged according to the agreement between us (generally it’s between 10% – 20%)
- For Securing the featured tag and first-page display of your campsite the charges will disclosed at the time of purchase.
- Your Responsibility
- 1N stay and meals should be provided to the audit team (2 Members Max)
- Prices should be less than other websites and offline agents.
- If any changes occur in the property from the last audit it should be informed to us for updation.
- Price change should be informed, if not informed and booking is done on old prices you have to accept the booking on that prices only.
- If any service displayed on the website not provided to the customer can lead to a deduction in the amount or suspension from Book A Camp.